Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Most people assume estate planning is about what happens to their assets when they pass away, and the figure that they don’t have enough assets to get a plan done. Complete estate planning is much more than that. It provides direction and guidance to your loved ones so they are not left with the burden of having to assume what your final wishes are for your end-of-life health care choices. For individuals with minor children, a properly executed estate plan enables you to plan for their future and care. Thus, a completed estate plan is more than simply a plan — it is a gift for your family, so they are not left in a lurch should you pass unexpectedly.

For those who pass without a proper estate plan, the government steps in and applies its own rules to decide how to divvy up your estate. If your executor hires an attorney to guide them through the process of closing your estate, both the executor and their attorney will be paid from your estate.

In other words, you can either choose to create a plan for your family on how best to handle your health, wealth, and assets if you become incapacitated, or you can choose to let the government be in charge of those decisions, possibly standing between your family and what you truly wanted.

This is why we at California Legacy Law Center focus on articulating and translating your vision into an estate plan that meticulously represents your priorities, goals, and needs. It’s too big of a decision to leave on the grieving shoulders of your loved ones, and it is too important of a decision to trust in the hands of the government.

Schedule a free consultation today to discuss how an estate plan can bring value to you and your family.

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We Are Your Local Experts

Estate Planning

Our meticulously crafted wills and trusts ensure that your hard-earned assets pass effortlessly to your loved ones.

Power of Attorney

Ensure that your loved ones have the legal authority to speak on your behalf when and if they need to.

Advanced Health Care Directive

One of the most loving things you can do for your family is never make them second-guess your healthcare plan.

Guardianships for Children

Ensure that your children will always be in the most loving care.